Thursday, January 29, 2009

Basketball Update

I just wanted to give an update on Caleb's basketball. They are now 6-0. There are only three more games and it looks like they are going to finish the season undefeated. The game last weekend was their hardest game so far. That team was also undefeated. They won the game 14-10 and Caleb made his first basket in a game. He was so excited. I can't beleive that 5&6 year old are playing basketball at this level.

Giving the thumbs up after winning the game.

Running down the court.

Doing some good defense.

Trying to break away to get the ball.

Going after the ball.

Getting ready to start the game.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Congrats to Caleb for scoring his first goal! Yea! Glad to see they are doing so well this season!